Living in a digital age means everything is accessible online. Everything is at your fingertips. And you kind of feel as though you’ve seen it all. Until you get to New York City. And then you realise you’ve barely scratched the surface.
As a copywriter, your job isn’t to reinvent the wheel. It’s okay to apply tested and proven copywriting formulas that are based on marketing psychology.
The secret to persuasive writing is psychology.As a copywriter, you (hopefully) won’t need to hold therapy sessions for your clients. But you do need to have a couple of psychology tricks up your sleeve to ace their copy.
If no one can find your product, you won't have sales. Simple as that. Here are a couple of signs that you're shooting your brand in the foot with poor product descriptions.
The digital realm has exploded with unrelenting controversy of late, ignited by a fiercely contested topic sparking fiery debate online. The topic? Artificial intelligence Copywriting.
Fear not the perils of black hat SEO wizardry because we're about to charm you with some white hat sorcery so you can reparo those search engine rankings.