It's time.


You need to hire a copywriter—a great one.


Where do other businesses find a skilled copywriter?


Should you post on Upwork? Seek referrals within your network? Dig through an email and rediscover dusty cold pitches you received months ago?


If the previous freelancer hasn't produced a copy that converts or matches your brand's voice, here are three places where you can scout a better fit for your next project.

Search Google to Find a Copywriter for Hire

When a copywriter's website appears on Google, you know they're familiar with the best SEO practices. A great website shows you they can write well and are the right person for your brand.

Check their about section, portfolio, blog, and testimonials. 

Is this someone you want to work with? Someone who matches the values of your brand? Can you connect with their writing? Are they posting regularly on their blog?

Important Tip: Not all copywriters have a website. They might get clients through word of mouth or social media. You'll find them on LinkedIn (if their profile is optimised) or through referrals.

How to Find a Talented Copywriter Via Google Search?

Before you pay for a job ad to find a freelance copywriter, Google "freelance x copywriter". Replace the "x" with your niche— such as cybersecurity, fashion or travel.

Some copywriters specialise in specific writing services (emails, landing pages, LinkedIn writing, etc.). You can search "email copywriter" or "website copywriter".

It's free, and you don't have to sift through hundreds of job applications.

Post on LinkedIn That You're Hiring a Copywriter

Post a job opportunity on LinkedIn — especially if you need a LinkedIn ghostwriter. Available copywriters regularly check if someone posts about job openings within their industry.

You can share a hiring alert post from your personal page if you're a CEO or recruiter. Or share that you're looking for a copywriter from your company's LinkedIn page.

What to Include in  the Job Post

Your LinkedIn hiring post doesn't have to be long. Some people write they're hiring and hit the "post" button. However, the more information you include, the greater the chance that you'll get quality candidates. Detailed posts narrow down your choice off the bat.

Make sure you include:

  • Position for which you're hiring — e.g. freelance copywriter, resume writer, LinkedIn writer, blog content writer

  • If an opportunity is freelance or full-time

  • What does the project entail — emails, website copy, ads, social media posts, or something else?

  • Is the job remote or on-site?

  • What is your industry (or niche)

  • If there is a deadline for applying

  • Request for three relevant portfolio samples

  • How you want them to contact you

  • Relevant hashtags (never more than 5 on LinkedIn) — e.g. #hiring, #hiring alert #now hiring, #copywriter, #content writer

Pro Tip: Avoid asking for a resume if you're hiring a freelance copywriter or unpaid tests. You'll miss out on a lot of quality candidates.

Ask for relevant work samples instead.

Share Your Writing Opportunity on Specialised Job Boards

Popular websites where copywriters find clients are job boards for writers. As a job poster, you'll receive plenty of applications from qualified copywriting candidates — especially if you post on a trusted site.

The way a copywriter crafts a response to your job ad speaks volumes about their approach to work. Consider this:

  • Is their writing easy to read?

  • Is it grammatically correct (no typos in the email)?

  • Is it persuasive (are you thinking about hiring them)?

Their response shows whether they're motivated and detail oriented. A portfolio with relevant samples proves they can do the work for your project.

Popular Job Boards for Writers

Here are a couple of job boards that writers trust. Sites where you can share that you're looking for a freelance copywriter are:

  • Contena

  • Pro Blogger — especially if you need content writers

  • Best Writing

Similar to the LinkedIn hiring posts, it's important to write a detailed ad. State for which writing role you are hiring as well as your expectations for this role.

Why Is Upwork Not on the List?

Platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr and People Per Hour are notorious "race to the bottom" job sites. Some A-level copywriters are lurking there, but it might take you a long time to sort them out.

Starting out as a copywriter, I did manage to find a couple of quality clients on People Per Hour — some of which I still collaborate with today. I had less luck on Upwork and Fiverr, which was teeming with scams and low-quality job propositions.

Everyone's experience will be different.

Today, clients find me via LinkedIn and my website. Content I share there saves me hours I would have to spend cold-pitching and applying for Upwork job postings.

Long-Term Collaboration and Focus on Quality

Both job seekers and recruiters want the same thing — quality, long-term collaboration.

LinkedIn, job boards for writers, and Google search are only a couple of places where you can contact skilled copywriters. Or share when you need someone and let them come to you.

If you need a copywriter or content writer, you can hire Word Nerd. 

For the last five years, all I've been doing is writing, editing and learning about copywriting/ sales psychology.

Get in touch if you need a web copy, social media presence (on Instagram or LinkedIn) or educational blog articles.

About me

Combining my love for fashion and writing, I completed a masters in journalism and public relations all whilst working in the fashion industry.


I could go on and on about why I would make the perfect copywriter for you, but that would take months, years even.


If you’re ready to take over your industry, just hit that pink button below.